Basho's thoughts on...

• Woman Central
• Introduction to this site
• The Human Story:
• Praise for Women
• Love and Sex in Basho
• Children and Teens
• Humanity and Friendship
• On Translating Basho
• Basho Himself
• Poetry and Music
• The Physical Body
• Food, Drink, and Fire
• Animals in Basho
• Space and Time
• Letters Year by Year
• Bilingual Basho 日本語も
• 芭蕉について日本語の論文
• Basho Tsukeku 芭蕉付句
• BAMHAY (Basho Amazes Me! How About You?)
• New Articles

Matsuo Basho 1644~1694

The only substantial
collection in English
of Basho's renku, tanka,
letters and spoken word
along with his haiku, travel
journals, and essays.

The only poet in old-time
literature who paid attention with praise
to ordinary women, children, and teenagers
in hundreds of poems

Hundreds upon hundreds of Basho works
(mostly renku)about women, children,
teenagers, friendship, compassion, love.

These are resources we can use to better
understand ourselves and humanity.

Interesting and heartfelt
(not scholarly and boring)
for anyone concerned with

“An astonishing range of
social subject matter and
compassionate intuition”

"The primordial power
of the feminine emanating
from Basho's poetry"

Hopeful, life-affirming
messages from one of
the greatest minds ever.

Through his letters,
we travel through his mind
and discover Basho's
gentleness and humanity.

I plead for your help in
finding a person or group
to take over my 3000 pages of Basho material,
to edit and improve the material, to receive 100%
of royalties, to spread Basho’s wisdom worldwide
and preserve for future generations.

Quotations from Basho Prose

The days and months are
guests passing through eternity.
The years that go by
also are travelers.

The mountains in silence
nurture the spirit;
the water with movement
calms the emotions.

All the more joyful,
all the more caring

Seek not the traces
of the ancients;
seek rather the
places they sought.


Plea for Affiliation


Plea For Affiliation


I pray for your help

in finding someone
individual, university,

or foundation - 
to take over my

3000 pages of material,   
to cooperate with me 

to edit the material,
to receive all royalties 

from sales, to spread

Basho’s wisdom worldwide,
and preserve for

future generations.



Home  >  Topics  >  Bilingual Basho 日本語も  >  H-14

Day and Night Dreams (Renku)

Words of Basho in bold
Words of other poets not bold

fter the years / of grieving ... finally / past eighteeen / Day and night dreams / of Father in that battle 
うき年を / 取りてはたちも / 漸漸過ぎぬ 
父のいくさを / 起きふしの夢           




After the years

of grieving. . . finally
past eighteen --

Day and night dreams
of Father in that battle


Basho Renku Zen Chuukai,  Volume 4, p. 233 

蕉連句全注解 4巻 p。233


 19    うき年を取りてはたちも漸漸過ぎぬ                        知足                               



20     父のいくさを 起きふしの夢                                   芭蕉




Uki toshi o torite hatachi mo yaya suginu
chichi no ikusa o oki-fushi no yume


Father died in war when I was small, and I have grown up under the weight of that grief. Now, in the prime of youthful vigor, I look back over those years of dreams constantly reverting to that one moment on a battlefield I have never seen in reality. The Japanese does not indicate the child’s gender; Miyawaki Masahiko, assuming this teenager to be male, says,


 “For a boy, his father is his model to learn from by observation, his goal in life. Having reached the age when now he can go to war, to see a dream of father in battle is the same as being on the battlefield himself. His  regrets for his father can never be forgotten. The bond between father and son is well expressed.”


 Written in 1687, can this stanza-pair reach the heart of one – girl or boy -- whose parent died in war or terrorism. I encourage teenagers who have lost a parent to explore this verse, especially as you approach eighteen. Also I hope adults who counsel bereaved teenagers to show it to them. The clear, straight-forward expression of personal feeling may be consoling.








まだ幼いとき父をいくさで亡くし、その悲しみの重さの下で 育ってきました。そして、若々しい気力の絶頂にある今、





     ようやくに自分も父と同  じく戦に出て戦うに足る年齢となったとも、




に届くだろうか。この連句は、18歳になろうとする頃の若者なら特に深く読み込むことをすすめます。それと、遺された子どもたちをカウセリングする大人たちにもその子たちに見せてほしいと思います。明確で直接的な個人の感情表現が なぐさめになるかもしれません。



I request your assistance in getting out the word on the warm affectionate Basho who wrote

hundreds of poems about women and children,about friendship, love, and compassion;

hundreds of Basho works unavailable to the world,yet the most pro-female, child-centered,

and life-affirming works ever written? 





<< Breastfeeding on my lap (H-13) (H-15) To Quiet Down the Heart >>

The Three Thirds of Basho



I plead for your help in finding a person or group to take over my 3000 pages of Basho material, to edit and improve the presentation, to receive all royalties from sales, to spread Basho’s wisdom worldwide and preserve for future generations.
Basho's thoughts on...

• Woman Central
• Introduction to this site
• The Human Story:
• Praise for Women
• Love and Sex in Basho
• Children and Teens
• Humanity and Friendship
• On Translating Basho
• Basho Himself
• Poetry and Music
• The Physical Body
• Food, Drink, and Fire
• Animals in Basho
• Space and Time
• Letters Year by Year
• Bilingual Basho 日本語も
• 芭蕉について日本語の論文
• Basho Tsukeku 芭蕉付句
• BAMHAY (Basho Amazes Me! How About You?)
• New Articles

Matsuo Basho 1644~1694

The only substantial
collection in English
of Basho's renku, tanka,
letters and spoken word
along with his haiku, travel
journals, and essays.

The only poet in old-time
literature who paid attention with praise
to ordinary women, children, and teenagers
in hundreds of poems

Hundreds upon hundreds of Basho works
(mostly renku)about women, children,
teenagers, friendship, compassion, love.

These are resources we can use to better
understand ourselves and humanity.

Interesting and heartfelt
(not scholarly and boring)
for anyone concerned with

“An astonishing range of
social subject matter and
compassionate intuition”

"The primordial power
of the feminine emanating
from Basho's poetry"

Hopeful, life-affirming
messages from one of
the greatest minds ever.

Through his letters,
we travel through his mind
and discover Basho's
gentleness and humanity.

I plead for your help in
finding a person or group
to take over my 3000 pages of Basho material,
to edit and improve the material, to receive 100%
of royalties, to spread Basho’s wisdom worldwide
and preserve for future generations.

Quotations from Basho Prose

The days and months are
guests passing through eternity.
The years that go by
also are travelers.

The mountains in silence
nurture the spirit;
the water with movement
calms the emotions.

All the more joyful,
all the more caring

Seek not the traces
of the ancients;
seek rather the
places they sought.


Plea for Affiliation


Plea For Affiliation


I pray for your help

in finding someone
individual, university,

or foundation - 
to take over my

3000 pages of material,   
to cooperate with me 

to edit the material,
to receive all royalties 

from sales, to spread

Basho’s wisdom worldwide,
and preserve for

future generations.
