Basho's thoughts on...

• Woman Central
• Introduction to this site
• The Human Story:
• Praise for Women
• Love and Sex in Basho
• Children and Teens
• Humanity and Friendship
• On Translating Basho
• Basho Himself
• Poetry and Music
• The Physical Body
• Food, Drink, and Fire
• Animals in Basho
• Space and Time
• Letters Year by Year
• Bilingual Basho 日本語も
• 芭蕉について日本語の論文
• Basho Tsukeku 芭蕉付句
• BAMHAY (Basho Amazes Me! How About You?)
• New Articles

Matsuo Basho 1644~1694

The only substantial
collection in English
of Basho's renku, tanka,
letters and spoken word
along with his haiku, travel
journals, and essays.

The only poet in old-time
literature who paid attention with praise
to ordinary women, children, and teenagers
in hundreds of poems

Hundreds upon hundreds of Basho works
(mostly renku)about women, children,
teenagers, friendship, compassion, love.

These are resources we can use to better
understand ourselves and humanity.

Interesting and heartfelt
(not scholarly and boring)
for anyone concerned with

“An astonishing range of
social subject matter and
compassionate intuition”

"The primordial power
of the feminine emanating
from Basho's poetry"

Hopeful, life-affirming
messages from one of
the greatest minds ever.

Through his letters,
we travel through his mind
and discover Basho's
gentleness and humanity.

I plead for your help in
finding a person or group
to take over my 3000 pages of Basho material,
to edit and improve the material, to receive 100%
of royalties, to spread Basho’s wisdom worldwide
and preserve for future generations.

Quotations from Basho Prose

The days and months are
guests passing through eternity.
The years that go by
also are travelers.

The mountains in silence
nurture the spirit;
the water with movement
calms the emotions.

All the more joyful,
all the more caring

Seek not the traces
of the ancients;
seek rather the
places they sought.


Plea for Affiliation


Plea For Affiliation


I pray for your help

in finding someone
individual, university,

or foundation - 
to take over my

3000 pages of material,   
to cooperate with me 

to edit the material,
to receive all royalties 

from sales, to spread

Basho’s wisdom worldwide,
and preserve for

future generations.



Home  >  Topics  >  Bilingual Basho 日本語も  >  H-15

To Quiet Down the Heart


Words of Basho in bold
Words of other poets not bold

To quiet down / the unsettled heart /of the daughter /Night sweats have stopped /in this morning’s dream
定らぬ / 娘のこころ / 取りしづめ / 寝汗のとまる / 今朝がたの夢



To quiet down
the unsettled heart
of the daughter

Night sweats have stopped
in this morning’s dream


                  芭蕉連句全注解、10巻 p。207 ~8

                   日本古典文学全集 71巻、p。572-73


29      定らぬ娘のこころ取りしづめ                芭蕉

              恋の想いにつきつめた心から、いらいらしてヒステリー状態に ある娘を、



30      寝汗のとまる今朝がたの夢                  支考




Basho suggests, in a verse suitable for a modern parenting magazine, the turmoil in the heart of a teenage girl: she broods over thoughts of love, upset to hysteria. shaking all over. Basho creates that emotional turmoil, then also creates a compassionate and understanding mother to calm down her daughter, to say

the right words in the right tone to soothe and settle her heart. Shiko makes the passion psycho-somatic; the blasts of adolescent hormones produce night sweats, copious perspiration which soaks her nightclothes and bedding, usually accompanied by emotional crying. After the mother in Basho’s stanza quiets down her daughter so she falls asleep, Shiko creates the dreams which end the turmoil and return the brain to normal as a new sun rises.


Carol Christ notes that “the mother-daughter bond, perhaps the most important of women's bonds, is rarely celebrated in patriarchal religion and culture.” She quotes Adrienne Rich: “the flow of energy between two biologically alike bodies, one of which has lain in amniotic bliss inside the other, one of which has labored to give birth to the other." Basho was the one man in patriarchal culture who did celebrate the mother-daughter bond. 

Basho portrays the mother caring, with sensitivity and wisdom, for her daughter, acting not for herself, but rather to serve another person. Sam Hamill, a scholar who knows only Basho haiku and not his renku, claims that Basho was “at times, cold-hearted, inhuman” – however the poems unfamiliar to Hamill

contain much itawaru, caring for others.” (See article D-4 Compassion.) Almost the very last words in Basho’s journal, A Narrow Path in the Heartlands, expresses his ideal for humanity:

                   All the more joyful, all the more caring
         且喜び、且いたわる   Katsu yorokobi, katsu itawaru


The stanza-pair TO QUIET DOWN is a means to introduce Basho’s caring to world consciousness




キャロル・クライストは、"女性の絆の中で最も重要であろう母娘の絆が、家父長 制の宗教や文化の中ではほとんど祝福されていない "と指摘しています。彼女は次 のようのエイドリアン・リッチに引用しています: 「生物学的に似ている二つの体の間のエネルギーの流れ。一方は他方の中で 羊水の至福の中に眠っており、一方は他方を産むために労苦している」。 芭蕉は家父長制の文化の中で、唯一、母娘の絆を謳歌した男である。


秋の日本庭園でよく見かけるケイトウは、誰もが目を奪われるほど鮮やか な赤で、庭の前ではより一層、その赤が際立つ。芭蕉は赤い花から情熱の 色である赤へ、つまり 10 代の少女の心の揺れを詠み替えた。芭蕉は、ヒス テリーを起こすほど動揺し、全身を震わせる娘を描き出すと同時に、娘を なだめ、落ち着かせるために適切な言葉を適切な調子でかける、思いやり のある母親を描き出す。芭蕉が亡くなるわずか 1 カ月半前に発表した『静 寂に寄せて』には、母性の知恵、感受性、慈愛に満ちた観察の集大成が表 現されている。 支考は思春期のホルモンの影響で、寝汗をかき、寝具を濡らし、情けなく 泣く。20 年前に思春期の混乱を経験した母親が娘を落ち着かせ、眠りにつ いた後、もう一人の女性、日の女神が娘に夢を与え、脳を正常に戻し、新 しい一日を始めるのである。


芭蕉の 奥の細道の最後の言葉であるは、彼の人類への理想を表しています。




Basho’s several hundred poems about women, children, friendship, love, and compassion are, I believe, the most pro-female, child-centered, and life-affirming works in world literature. I pray for your help in finding a person or group to take over my 3000 pages of Basho material, to edit and improve the presentation, to receive all royalties, to spread these resources for understanding humanity worldwide and preserve for future generations

女性と子供達、友情や恋や同情にかんして、何百もの句を残し 心温かい芭蕉にについて何でもいいので、感想を聞かせてください。芭蕉のほとんど知られていない何百の作品こそ、最高の女性の味方、子ども目線、そして、人生の応援歌では?


<< Day and Night Dreams (Renku) (H-14) (H-16) Her Life-Force >>

The Three Thirds of Basho



I plead for your help in finding a person or group to take over my 3000 pages of Basho material, to edit and improve the presentation, to receive all royalties from sales, to spread Basho’s wisdom worldwide and preserve for future generations.
Basho's thoughts on...

• Woman Central
• Introduction to this site
• The Human Story:
• Praise for Women
• Love and Sex in Basho
• Children and Teens
• Humanity and Friendship
• On Translating Basho
• Basho Himself
• Poetry and Music
• The Physical Body
• Food, Drink, and Fire
• Animals in Basho
• Space and Time
• Letters Year by Year
• Bilingual Basho 日本語も
• 芭蕉について日本語の論文
• Basho Tsukeku 芭蕉付句
• BAMHAY (Basho Amazes Me! How About You?)
• New Articles

Matsuo Basho 1644~1694

The only substantial
collection in English
of Basho's renku, tanka,
letters and spoken word
along with his haiku, travel
journals, and essays.

The only poet in old-time
literature who paid attention with praise
to ordinary women, children, and teenagers
in hundreds of poems

Hundreds upon hundreds of Basho works
(mostly renku)about women, children,
teenagers, friendship, compassion, love.

These are resources we can use to better
understand ourselves and humanity.

Interesting and heartfelt
(not scholarly and boring)
for anyone concerned with

“An astonishing range of
social subject matter and
compassionate intuition”

"The primordial power
of the feminine emanating
from Basho's poetry"

Hopeful, life-affirming
messages from one of
the greatest minds ever.

Through his letters,
we travel through his mind
and discover Basho's
gentleness and humanity.

I plead for your help in
finding a person or group
to take over my 3000 pages of Basho material,
to edit and improve the material, to receive 100%
of royalties, to spread Basho’s wisdom worldwide
and preserve for future generations.

Quotations from Basho Prose

The days and months are
guests passing through eternity.
The years that go by
also are travelers.

The mountains in silence
nurture the spirit;
the water with movement
calms the emotions.

All the more joyful,
all the more caring

Seek not the traces
of the ancients;
seek rather the
places they sought.


Plea for Affiliation


Plea For Affiliation


I pray for your help

in finding someone
individual, university,

or foundation - 
to take over my

3000 pages of material,   
to cooperate with me 

to edit the material,
to receive all royalties 

from sales, to spread

Basho’s wisdom worldwide,
and preserve for

future generations.
