Basho's thoughts on...
Matsuo Basho 1644~1694
The only substantial
collection in English
of Basho's renku, tanka,
letters and spoken word
along with his haiku, travel
journals, and essays.
The only poet in old-time
literature who paid attention with praise
to ordinary women, children, and teenagers
in hundreds of poems
Hundreds upon hundreds of Basho works
(mostly renku)about women, children,
teenagers, friendship, compassion, love.
These are resources we can use to better
understand ourselves and humanity.
Interesting and heartfelt
(not scholarly and boring)
for anyone concerned with
“An astonishing range of
social subject matter and
compassionate intuition”
"The primordial power
of the feminine emanating
from Basho's poetry"
Hopeful, life-affirming
messages from one of
the greatest minds ever.
Through his letters,
we travel through his mind
and discover Basho's
gentleness and humanity.
I plead for your help in
finding a person or group
to take over my 3000 pages of Basho material,
to edit and improve the material, to receive 100%
of royalties, to spread Basho’s wisdom worldwide
and preserve for future generations.
Quotations from Basho Prose
The days and months are
guests passing through eternity.
The years that go by
also are travelers.
The mountains in silence
nurture the spirit;
the water with movement
calms the emotions.
All the more joyful,
all the more caring
Seek not the traces
of the ancients;
seek rather the
places they sought.
Plea for Affiliation
Plea For Affiliation
I pray for your help
in finding someone - individual, university,
or foundation - to take over my
3000 pages of material, to cooperate with me
to edit the material, to receive all royalties
from sales, to spread
Basho’s wisdom worldwide, and preserve for
future generations.
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Basho Tsukeku 芭蕉付句 > K-05
Basho Tsukeku 5 A
Renku of 1688 and half of 1689; 芭蕉連句全注解、五冊から付句 From volume 5 of the Basho Renku Zenchuukai
Words of Basho in bold
Words of other poets not bold
Tsukeku of 1688 and the first half of 1689; With Japanese and Romanization
For commentaries see section 5 B
Sadly falcon suffers his loss of feathers
Only a woman 5: 12 in an old mansion with a torn screen
煩う 鷹を / おしむ かなしき
女 のみ /古き 御舘 の 破れ 簾
Wazurau taka o / oshimu kanashiki
Onna nomi /furuki mitachi no / yabure misu
By moonlight my poor mother at work beside the window
She would hide fingers 5:14 stained with indigo
もる月を / 賤しき 母 の / 窓 に 見て
藍 にしみ 付く / 指かくすらん
Moru tsuki o / iyashiki haha no / mado ni mite
Ai ni shimi tsuku / yubi kakusuran
Doorway curtain 5: 27 behind it, deep within northside plum
Pine needles are falling inthe month of March
暖簾 の / 奥 もの ふかし / 北 の 梅
松 ちり なして / ニ月 の 頃
Nōren no / oku mono fukashi / kita no ume
Matsu chiri nashite / kisaragi no koro
Before my eyes 5:39 the scene just as is makes a haiku -- As a child turns seven 5:39 face becomes clear
目 前 の / けしき そのまま / 詩 に 作る
八ッ に なる子の / 顔 清げ なり
Me no mae no / keshiki sono mama /shi ni tsukuru
Yattsu ni naru ko no / kao kiyoge naru
Many, many 5: 45 things come to mind, cherry blossoms
The spring day quickly passes into brush strokes
さまざまの/事思い追い出す/ 桜かな
春の日ははやく / ふでに暮行
Sama zama no / koto omoidasu / sakura kana
haru no ho hayaku / fude ni kure yuku
The days pile up getting used to a woman who floats along
The grass of love weakens 5: 59 his arm for archery
浮かれたる / 女 に なれて / 日をつもる
矢 数に 腕の / よわる 恋 草
Ukaretaru / onna ni narete / hi o tsumoru
Ya kazu ni ude no / yowaru koi kusa
Telling the Truth of Buddhism is sad, field of graves
Chased, the doe flees, 5: 63 leaving behind her fawn
道心の / とうて悲しき / 野邊の墓
追われて鹿の / 子を捨てて行
Doushin no / toute kanashiki / nobe no haka
Owarete shika no / ko o suttee yuku
Sister from the Capital here to have her baby
Weaving folded 5:66 at back door she lights flower incense
都の妹が子を / うみに来る
機たたむ / 妻戸に花の / 香を焼きて
Miyako no imo ga / ko o umi ni kuru
Hata tatamu / tsumado ni hana no / ko o yakite
Baby duck seems to be interested in the water
Lake ripples - 5: 73 waiting for lantern light to end today
水おもしろく / 見ゆるかるの子
さざ波や / 今日は火とばす / 暮れ待って
Mizu omoshiroku / miyuru karu no ko
Sazanami ya / kyou ha hi tobasu / kure matte
Missing teeth, Granddad’s 5: 77 nembutsu sounds strange
歯ぬけの 祖父の / 念仏 おかしき
Ha nuke no jiji no / nembutsu okashiki
Giving breast to baby, something she must say: “Leaving thoughts behind, Papa sent far away”
Strumming lute 5: 105 from evening, she cries past daybreak
御乳そいて / わかうに物や / いひねらむ
おもい残せる / 遠の國がえ
琵琶弾て / 今宵は泣いて / 明かすべき
Ochi soite / wakau ni mono ya / ii neramu
Omoi nokoseru / tō no kunigae /
Biwa hiite / konya ni naite / akasu beki
The many sorts of incense were so fragrant beneath the moon
In autumn to question 5: 123 a lifetime making love
さまざまの/ 香かおりけり /月の影
人一代の / 恋をとふ秋
Samazama no / kou kaori keri / tsuki no kage,
hito ichidai no / koi o tou aki
A beautiful child 5:150 asleep on her lap
Far from village under cherry in bloom broiling tofu Butterfly goes crazy inside her netted hat
美し子の / 膝にねぶりて
里遠き / 花の木陰に / とうふ焼く
狂う小蝶の / 編み笠に入る
Utsukushii ko no / hiza ni neburite
Sato tōki / hana no kikage / tofu yaku
Kuruu kochō ni / ami kasa ni iru
Not letting on his boots rain falls at day break
As they part 5: 157 ever so delicate and fascinating
Beauty of her voice when she has a cold
Sliding back 5: 157 her tray with lunch untouched
風ひ きたまう / こえの うつくし
手もつかず / 昼 の 御膳も / すべり 来ぬ
足駄 はかせぬ / 雨 の あけぼの
きぬぎぬの /あまり かぼそく / あてやかな
Ashida hakasenu / ame no akebono
Kinuginu no / amari kabosoku / ateyaka na
Kaze hikitamau / koe no utsukushi
Te mo tsukazu / hiru no gozen mo / suberi kinu
The shop now is lonely 5: 160 barley-grinding mortar
Without a home only wrapped in silk mirror clear
What the miko thinks 5: 160 is what she speaks
She has left yet still where she sat is her fragrance
Hidden in the corner 5: 161 of temple at Hase
みせはさびしき /麦の引き割り
家なくて /ふくさに 包む / 十寸 かがみ
もの おもひ居る / 神子 物 云ひ
人去りて / いまだ御坐の / 匂いける
初瀬に籠る / 堂の片隅
Mise wa sabishiki / mugi no hikiwari
Ie nakute / fukusa ni tsutsumu / masu kagami
Mono omoi iru / miko no mono ii
Hito sarite / imada omashi no / nioikeru
Hase ni komoru / dou no kata sumi
Wretched in love little sister gazes at the evening sky
In those clouds, whose 5: 161 tears are contained?
あやにくに / わずらう妹が / ゆうながあめ
あの雲 はたが / 泪 つつむ ぞ
Ayaniku ni / wazurau imo ga / yuu nagame
Ano kumo wa taga / namida tsutsumu zo
The Moon passes through infinite sky and disappears
Pounding cloth far away 5: 162 dozing off on the saddle
砧 も 遠く / 蔵 に いねぶり
Yuku tsuki no / uwa no sora nite / kiesou ni
Kinuta mo tōku / kura ni ineburi
Majestic Chinese gables on tile roof of a herbalist
A child well-treated 5: 163 should not be skinny
いかめしく / 瓦 庇 の / 木薬屋
馳走する 子の / 痩せて かい なき
Ikameshiku / kawara hisashi no / ki-kusuri-ya
Chisō suru ko no / yasete kai naki
On his Chinese style hood scatter cherry blossoms
Drunk from ox falling 5: 172 in the spring breeze
唐の / 頭巾 に 花 の /ちりかかり
酔って 牛より / 落る 春 風
Morokoshi no /zukin ni hana no / chirikakari
Yotte ushi yori / otsuru haru kaze
Youngest daughter hates the mole on her face
Robe for dancing 5: 180 aimlessly she folds it inside the box
かおのほくろを /くやむ乙の子
舞衣/ むなしくたたむ / 箱の内
Kao no hokuro o / kuyamu oto no ko
Mai koromo / munashiku tatamu / hako no uchi
For the hell of it stealing single orchid
Dew heavy 5: 182 the monk in silence opens the door
興 じて ぬすむ / 欄 の 一もと
露 ふかき / 無言 の僧の / 戸を 開けて
Kyō jite nusumu / ran no ichimoto
Tsuyu fukaki / mugon no sō no / do o akete
Fuji pilgrim’s 5:192 straw backpack becomes pillow of grass
Buddha of my mother For a while I entrust
不二詣で / おひねだわらを / 草 枕
母 の ほとけを /かりに 預ける
Fuji mōde o / hine tawara o / kusa makura
Haha no hotoke o / kari ni asukeru
From emaciated breasts squeezing tears of dew
In his absence 5: 193 meal tray placed inside mosquito net
痩せたる 乳 を /しぼる 露 けさ
とわぬ夜に / 膳さしいるる / 蚊やの内
Yasetaru chichi o /shiboru tsuyu kesa
Towanu yo ni / zen sashi iru / kaya no uchi
With one sleeve missing, winter shower gets inside robe
Four or five sons 5: 212 barking in a ruckus
かた々は / 袖なききぬに / もる時雨
倅 四 五 人 / ほえて くるしき
Katagata wa / sode naki kinu ni / moru shigure
Segare yon go nin / hoete kurushiki
Without a man she cannot keep screens looking like new
Tears on the brazier 5: 223 drying her handkerchief
男なき/ 妹がすだれを /もりかねて
なみだ火桶に /はなかみを干す
Otoko naki / imo ga sudare o / mori-kanete
Namida hioke ni / hanakami o hosu
Thoughts of love, alone 5: 254 in this world of floating
When I try to speak of this desire, only stutter
我が 物 おもい / 浮世 壱人
この恋を / いわむとすれば / どもり にて
Waga mono omoi / ukiyo ichinin
Kono koi o / iwamu to sureba / domori nite
Waves make the misty Mount Fuji move about
Inviting folks 5:267 to the low-tide beach for pickled squid
なみは曇の / ふじをうごかす
客よびて / 潮干ながらの / いかなます
Nami wa kumori no / fuji o ugokasu
Kyaku yobite / shiohi nagara no / ika namasu
Arising to blow on embers, 5: 268 the wife of a bell ringer
Going and returning she calls for her lost child moonlight and stars
おきて火をふく/ かねつきがつま
行かえり /まよいごよばる / 星世夜
Okite hi o fuku / kanetsuki ga tsuma
Iki kaeri / mayoi-go yobaru / hoshi tsuki yo
Blackwood smoldering shack hidden in a hollow
To whom can she 5: 269 be given as a bride? her thoughts of love
黒木ほすべき / 谷かげの小屋
たがよめと/ 身 を やまかせむ / 物 おもい
Kuroki hosubeki / tani kage no koya
Taga yome to / mi o yamakasemu / mono omoi
As I speak 5: 281 her face hidden by folding fan
That sleep-tousled hair a difficult boat ride
ものいえば / 扇子に顔を / かくされて
寝みだす 髪 の /つらき 乗合
Mono ieba / sensu ni kao o / kakusarete
Ne-midasu kami no / tsuraki nori ai
Today again 5: 288 on the Stone to worship the Rising Sun
Cascade of white water washing starch from rice
今日もまた / 朝日を拝む /石のうえ
米 とぎ 散らす / 竜 の 白浪
Kyou mo mata / asahi o ogamu / ishi no ue
Kome togi chirasu /taki no shira nami
Collective roof thatching autumn in the village
Lowly women 5: 298 serve nembutsu dancers cups of tea
雇にやねふく / 村ぞ秋なる
賤の女が / 上総 念仏 に/ 茶を汲みて
Yui ni yane fuku / mura zo aki naru
Shizu no onna ga / kazuki nembutsu ni / cha o kumite
There are times when even cicadas enter a dream
Twigs of the catalpa 5: 299 block messages of love
Resentfully wife hates being called the farmer’s “field”
有る時は / 蝉 にも 夢の / 入ぬらん
楠 の小枝に / 恋を へだてて
恨て/嫁が畑の / 名もにくし
Aru toki wa / semi ni mo yume no / iranuran
Kusu no koeda ni / koi o hedatete
Uramite wa / yome ga hatake no / no mo nikushi
Sled pulling firewood, one path through the snow
Each house’s warrior 5: 303 in winter seclusion
薪 引 / 雪車一筋の / 跡有て
おのおの武士の / 冬 籠る 宿
Takigi hiku / sori issuji no / ato arite
Ono ono bushi no / fuyu gomoru shuku
Summoned to the palace ashamed by the gossip
Easing in 5: 304 her slender forearm for his pillow
宮 に めされし /うき名はずかし
手枕 に / ほそき 腕 を /さし入れて
Miya ni mesareshi / uki na hazukashi
Ta-makura ni / hosoki kaina o / sashi-irete
Water forbidden black hair’s distress -- At an age to take care of dolls she is lovely
Harp held in her hands heavy upon her lap 5: 317
Even as a dream in a snooze, she cannot recall being at court
水ゆるされぬ / 黒髪ぞうき
まだ雛を / いたわる年の / うつくしく
かかえし琴の / 膝 や おもたき
うたたねの / 夢さえうとき/ 御所 の 中
Mizu yurusarenu / kuro kami zo uki
Mada hina o / itawaru toshi no / utsukushiku
Kakaeshi koto no / hiza ya omotaki
Utatane no / yume sae utoki / gosho no naka
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The Three Thirds of Basho
I plead for your help in finding a person or group to take over my 3000 pages of Basho material, to edit and improve the presentation, to receive all royalties from sales, to spread Basho’s wisdom worldwide and preserve for future generations.
Basho's thoughts on...
Matsuo Basho 1644~1694
The only substantial
collection in English
of Basho's renku, tanka,
letters and spoken word
along with his haiku, travel
journals, and essays.
The only poet in old-time
literature who paid attention with praise
to ordinary women, children, and teenagers
in hundreds of poems
Hundreds upon hundreds of Basho works
(mostly renku)about women, children,
teenagers, friendship, compassion, love.
These are resources we can use to better
understand ourselves and humanity.
Interesting and heartfelt
(not scholarly and boring)
for anyone concerned with
“An astonishing range of
social subject matter and
compassionate intuition”
"The primordial power
of the feminine emanating
from Basho's poetry"
Hopeful, life-affirming
messages from one of
the greatest minds ever.
Through his letters,
we travel through his mind
and discover Basho's
gentleness and humanity.
I plead for your help in
finding a person or group
to take over my 3000 pages of Basho material,
to edit and improve the material, to receive 100%
of royalties, to spread Basho’s wisdom worldwide
and preserve for future generations.
Quotations from Basho Prose
The days and months are
guests passing through eternity.
The years that go by
also are travelers.
The mountains in silence
nurture the spirit;
the water with movement
calms the emotions.
All the more joyful,
all the more caring
Seek not the traces
of the ancients;
seek rather the
places they sought.
Plea for Affiliation
Plea For Affiliation
I pray for your help
in finding someone - individual, university,
or foundation - to take over my
3000 pages of material, to cooperate with me
to edit the material, to receive all royalties
from sales, to spread
Basho’s wisdom worldwide, and preserve for
future generations.